More Pesah Melodies - Haggadah, Prayer for Dew

Ha Lahma Anya (This is the Bread of Affliction) is one of the introductory paragraphs of the Haggadah, discussing the matzah and expressing the hope of freedom in the Land of Israel. Here is its melody as sung in Livorno by Hazzan Daniele Bedarida:,136,3533,707
And here is the melody as sung by Rev. Abraham Lopes Cardozo, late hazzan of Shearith Israel in New York: Prayer for Dew
On the first day of Pesah, we officially stop praying for rain and instead begin praying for dew. A special prayer for dew is therefore sung during the holiday Musaf. Consisting of four piyutim (poems), it is inserted into the reader's repetition of the Amidah (while many other communities sing it before the Amidah). You can listen to melodies for these four poems here on Rabbi Jonathan Cohen's webpage: Another recording of one of the four poems, Lekh Leshalom Geshem (Go in Peace, Rain), sung by Rev. Halfon Benarroch, former hazzan of Bevis Marks Synagogue in London, can be heard here: On the first day of Pesah, the Hodu section of Hallel is also sung to the Lekh Leshalom Geshem melody, as in this recording by Rev. Lopes Cardozo: Finally, a fascinating 2007 documentary film explores the surprising possibility that the Lekh Leshalom Geshem melody and Israel’s national anthem, Hatikvah, may have common roots: