Hanukkah Melodies
Many familiar and beloved melodies are associated with Hanukkah. This recording of the blessings over lighting the candles, followed by...

Albondigas de Prasa (Leek Meatballs)
Turkish Sephardi cuisine relies mostly on bright, colorful flavors of vegetables. Vegetables like eggplant, zucchini, leeks, artichokes,...

Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur
Two poetic and musical highlights of the High Holidays are Et Sha’are Ratzon on Rosh Hashana and E-l Nora Alilah on Kippur. Below are...

Plato Judío Relleno (Stuffed Jewish Dish)
If the name of this dish sounds a bit curious, it’s because it is no ordinary one. In fact, it may be the oldest written Jewish recipe in...

Tisha b'Ab: Bore Ad Ana
The Western Sephardic melodies for Tisha b’Ab, including the book of Ekhah (Lamentations) and the Kinnot (elegies), are unique, haunting,...

Mount Sinai with Threaded Eggs for Shabuot
This issue’s recipe comes from Alessandra Rovati, who was born and raised in Venice. An Italian food writer and lecturer, Rovati now...

Caribbean Haroset
This issue’s recipe comes from Hanna Abreu, whose ancestors arrived to the Dominican Republic from Valladolid, Spain, at the end of the...

Pesah Melodies, Sung by Rev. A. Lopes Cardozo
With Pesah approaching, below are several melodies recorded by the late Rev. Abraham Lopes Cardozo, an invaluable repository of the...

Venice Ghetto Celebrates 500th Anniversary
A ceremony on March 29 marked the 500th anniversary of the Jewish Ghetto in Venice, established by decree of the Venetian Senate in 1516....